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Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)

ICAP lessons are essential to help students learn and plan their career passions and opportunities and are now a part of graduation requirements.

To graduate from Jefferson Junior/Senior High School career- and college-ready, we want to help students create a plan that includes career exploration, knowledge of opportunities and self, and a concrete plan for life after high school.

7th Grade

The focus of ICAP in seventh grade is on discovering your specific interests and strengths, and careers and opportunities that align with them.

  • Career – Complete the CareerKey. Students will learn about their Holland career code and careers of interest. Find the lesson here:

  • Seventh-grade SMART Goal – Students will create SMART goals for the year and make a plan for achieving these goals. Find the lesson here:

8th Grade

The focus of ICAP in eighth grade is on understanding your strengths and how they can be used to accomplish your goals as you move toward high school.

  • Goal – Complete Strengths Explorer. Find the lesson here:

  • Academic – Complete transition to high school survey and postsecondary plan. Students will consider their needs to make a successful transition to high school, and acknowledge things that worry and excite them. They will also indicate post-high school plans. Find the lesson here:

9th Grade

The focus of ICAP as a freshman is to recognize your natural learning styles and to learn about what classes and credits are required to graduate.

  • Academic – Students boost academic potential by recognizing their natural learning style, discover better learning strategies and gain career development skills. Find the lesson here:

  • Career – Build a four-year course plan. Students will learn what courses and credits they will need to complete to graduate from Jeffco. In addition, students may select a career pathway to tailor course to their interest. Find the lesson here:

10th Grade

As sophomores, the focus of ICAP is on understanding the relationship between education and postsecondary options.

Through building a four-year plan, 10th-graders will continue to understand the courses that they must complete to graduate in Jeffco, as well as selecting a career and course pathway that is tailored to their interests.

11th Grade

As juniors, the focus of ICAP is on demonstrating knowledge they have gained, as well as which “demonstration of knowledge” indicator they will complete before graduation.

Students will also gain an understanding of where their intelligence lies and how this can be applied to career paths of interest.

12th Grade

As seniors, the focus of ICAP is on exploring and deciding upon postsecondary goals and plan, as well as deepening their understanding of their interests as they relate to careers.

Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP) in Jeffco

The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a multi-year process that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities. With the support of adults, students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills to create their own meaningful and powerful pathways to be career and college-ready.

 When students complete a meaningful ICAP process, they: 

  • Connect the relevance of education to future aspirations.
  • Are more motivated to attend school and stay engaged.
  • Become confident learners who can actively set goals.
  • Make secondary and postsecondary course plans to pursue career and life goals.
  • Are able to articulate their transferable skills and apply knowledge about how their actions today connect with their goals.

View the Jeffco ICAP Scope and Sequence with related resources to learn more.


The Naviance platform helps us understand students’ interests, strengths and needs, so we can individualize support to help them reach their goals. Unique readiness content and activities help us build knowledge and strengthen students’ competencies in all essential areas. To access Naviance, please see your school counselor.