Career & College
Gear Up
Jefferson students have a unique opportunity starting in ninth grade to be a part of GEAR UP's scholarship program. GEAR UP partners with universities like Colorado State University for first-generation students to attend college.
Learn more about GEAR UP or talk to your student's counselor.
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Career Hub
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Warren Tech
Warren Tech is a career and technical education high school within Jeffco Public Schools. Offering half-day programs in a variety of career pathways, Warren Tech helps students gain college credit, industry certificates and Jeffco credits toward graduation.
Seniors: Apply to FAFSA starting Oct. 1 to determine what financial aid is available to you.
College Board’s BigFuture
Use this tool to search for colleges based on majors, sports, cost, location and more
- Scholarship opportunities – Make sure you join our Google Classroom for all scholarship updates
- Start your journey to your dream career
Career & College Pathways in Jeffco
Career and college pathways are a series of educational opportunities that enable students to pursue careers, college and interests after high school. Career and college readiness is a Jeffco Public Schools graduation requirement and is increasingly important, as three out of every four jobs now require education or training beyond high school.
It’s important for students to talk with their families, teachers and school counselors throughout high school as career interests emerge and develop, and to explore different college and career pathways.
Jeffco Career Links
The Jeffco Career Links program connects students from classroom to career.