In the summer of 1955, the Edgewater Mustangs and the Mountain Wildcats, rivals for many years, combined their student bodies to form the newest high school in Jefferson County. The new school’s name, mascot, colors and song were voted on by both student bodies.
In that year, Saint Jeff became the mascot of Jefferson Junior/Senior High School. The image of St. Jeff, symbolizing the honorable qualities of a fighting spirit, was created by Bob Harvey, an Edgewater High senior.
Today, that spirit of coming together continues as Jefferson honors all who come together for our school, our community and our world. We are one.
Statement of Support for Immigrant Families at Jefferson Jr/Sr High School
Every person, regardless of their immigration status, deserves to be safe and respected in our Jefferson community. Due to the anti-immigrant rhetoric, fears of deportation and loss of rights are present in community members who have made this their home. At Jefferson Jr/Sr High School, we stand with immigrants and their desire to make a home here in Colorado. We stand against efforts to dehumanize and demonize immigrants.
Please follow this link for FAQ and resources for immigrant families.
Jefferson Mission Statement
Jefferson’s mission is to ensure a quality, inclusive education to equip all students with the knowledge and necessary skills to be successful contributors to a local and global society.
Jefferson Vision Statement
Jefferson’s vision is to create a community that prioritizes inclusivity and academic equity to build pathways for every student.
Jefferson Values
Belonging, Equity, Integrity, Asset-Mindedness, Excellence
Position on Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion
“If there is no struggle there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglas
Jefferson Junior-Senior High School denounces racism, bias, harassment and discrimination in any form.
We acknowledge the ingrained and painful legacies of anti-immigrant, anti-Black, and inequality have created conditions in which our students and colleagues working in our classrooms, schools, and communities may be traumatized, frustrated, saddened, and fearful. We commit to be a part of non-violent and peaceful change toward achieving equity in education. Moving forward, we will focus more of our efforts on promoting and encouraging equity-focused, transformative methods of education. The belief statements below are foundational to our efforts:
- Jefferson supports and advocates for immigrant rights and the rights of undocumented students and families.
- We believe that Black Lives Matter.
- We believe in transformative education to empower learners to see the social world differently and through an ethical and diverse lens.
- We believe to affect positive change in alternative education, we must focus on reforming and liberating alternative education statewide policies and practices.
- We believe in non-violent and peaceful approaches to change. We will use our voices to speak up when we witness injustice and work to change practices that are exclusionary.
- We believe in confronting racism and bias.
- We value diversity and inclusion. We encourage educators, professionals, students, and communities to model compassion and respect and to participate in peaceful, systemic change.
- We believe in equity-focused education where all students have access to the same resources and educational rigor, and we support diversity in gender, age, sex, race, class, religion, ethnicity, ability, language, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- We believe in having courageous conversations about racism, equity-focused education, racial inequality, and we believe in cultivating leadership from racially diverse communities.
- We believe in providing meaningful professional learning opportunities that include topics regarding social and racial injustices.
- We believe in and will renew our commitment to working even harder with communities to recognize the value and worth of all individuals.
- We teach and believe in the theories of science.
Jefferson Articulation Area
Jeffco Public Schools is divided into 17 articulation areas that provide assigned schools for each neighborhood.
A to Z Guide
View Jefferson programs and other offerings listed A through Z.
Regular attendance is crucial to student success. Review Jeffco’s attendance policies and procedures.
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Get contact information for Jefferson faculty and staff.
Dress Code
Jefferson follows Jeffco’s guidelines for appropriate student dress.
Inclement Weather
Weather can impact school-day operations. View Jeffco’s inclement weather policies and procedures.
Meet the Principal
Get to know Jefferson’s school leader.
The safety and well-being of students and staff is Jefferson’s top priority.
Student & Family Handbook
The student & family handbook outlines policies, procedures and student expectations.
Why Should You Attend Jefferson?
Learn more about what Jefferson offers and why you should attend.